... ... Spinner II | ART Elements Gallery

Spinner II

by: Don MacLane

$ 1,120.00

Stainless Steel & Basalt Stone on Walnut Wood Base

17" High x  16.5" Wide x  10.2" Diameter base     (unmoving) 

Sweeps through an 18" diameter, 18" high cylindrical volume  (in motion)

Two pendulum, hand held, 3 D probe. The smallest pendulum revolves about a shaft at the end of the larger pendulum. The large pendulum rotates about an axis inclined at the end of a shaft mounted to the base. Each pendulum has a stone counterweight. Set in motion, the pendulums whirl through space in a wildly changing pattern that depends on the initial direction and velocity imparted by the observer. The shaft can removed from the base and used as a handle. Holding the shaft, it can be moved to excite motion of the pendulums. Because the axis of the large pendulum is not collinear with the handle, the moving pendulums will cause the handle to rotate about its axis. If this is allowed to rotate, the energy in the pendulums will rapidly dissipate and they will come to rest quickly. When the shaft is set in the base there is a thumbscrew to secure it against rotation. When holding the handle, you need to resist its tendency to rotate.

*Not available to purchase online. Please contact ART Elements Gallery (503) 487-6141 for any inquiries.

Collections: Don MacLane

Category: metal, online, Sculpture, Steel

Type: Unknown Type