Don Bishop

Painter (oils, acrylics)

Don Bishop is an impressionist painter living in Portland Oregon. His work has won numerous awards and has been purchased by art collectors nationwide. Don has been painting in the Northwest for many years, and enjoys painting the magical scenery and light that makes this such a beautiful area.  Spring and summer months often find him painting outside in the plein air style, while the winter months bring mostly studio work.  For Don, painting is a continual growth process, which usually involves creating several paintings a time.  The majority of his work is in oils, but Don also paints in acrylics from time to time. Don’s roots in painting are influenced by the Early California Plein Air Impressionist style. Originally from Southern California, he attended art school at California State University Long Beach, where he received a Bachelor’s degree in Art.  Seeing many of the Early California Plein Air paintings at various museums and galleries had a major influence on the development of Don’s painting style.

Painting influences include the tonalist style and the Hudson River School.  I especially enjoy the work of George Innes, Franz Bischoff, William Wendt, and Maurice Braun. As my work evolves, I see my paintings becoming a hybrid of the tonalist, impressionist, and Hudson River School influences.  My goal is to follow in the footsteps of the early masters, creating paintings that capture the qualities of light and color of the early impressionist movement.

Don Bishop $ 1,600.00
Don Bishop $ 1,600.00
Don Bishop $ 280.00