Tangie Belmore
Tangie Pape-Belmore was born in Portland, Oregon, and currently lives on sixteen acres in Sherwood, Oregon, where her studio overlooks the surrounding wetlands. She strives to create compelling images that will engage and encourage the viewer to examine and re-examine the complexity of the surface and the underlying layers. Each painting contains memories and histories, spirituality, personal growth and positive energy. Tangie relies on her feelings and intuition to allow each painting to evolve.
Strong, simple forms, texture, transparent layers, playfulness, unusual juxtapositions, beauty, enchantment, a bold maneuver, opposites, fearsome attitude, open space, dreams. Self-expression is the most important element of each painting. The challenge is to please and surprise myself and continue to grow as an artist. Some days are frustrating with no sense of progress; other days are extraordinary, and painting arrives like a gift.