Then & Now

Featuring Woven Willow Artworks by Carol Horvath & Landscape Oil Paintings by Romona Youngquist

June 6th - August 12th

Reception: Saturday, June 17th from 2-4 pm

Journey into past & present life stories through the creative process of two artists.

Encounter the past through small painted studies created by Romona Youngquist & celebrate the pathway to the present through larger completed paintings formed from the studies. Joining in on the journey is Carol Horvath & her woven willow artworks. Through intricately woven compositions come indications of the previous existence of willow branches & how they are now given a new life in the form of exquisite baskets & sculptures.

The exhibition "Then & Now" invites us to hold the past & the present in a treasured embrace as we give homage to the story of life in us & around us.

Romona Youngquist $ 3,000.00
Romona Youngquist $ 9,500.00
Romona Youngquist $ 4,200.00
Romona Youngquist $ 1,500.00
Carol Horvath $ 750.00
Carol Horvath $ 350.00
Carol Horvath $ 300.00
Romona Youngquist $ 2,750.00
Romona Youngquist $ 7,000.00
Carol Horvath $ 225.00
Romona Youngquist $ 4,500.00
Carol Horvath $ 850.00
Romona Youngquist $ 5,000.00
Romona Youngquist $ 1,300.00
Romona Youngquist $ 400.00
Romona Youngquist $ 1,450.00
Romona Youngquist $ 1,100.00
Romona Youngquist $ 1,500.00